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About Us

Bringing 100% pressed juices straight to your door.

By drinking Badilla Wellness Pressed Juices you will 

experience, “feeling good inside, looking good outside.” Consistently, drinking these juices you will generate a healthier feeling, healing properties; having natural energy, feeling refreshed, hydrated and stronger immune system while safely detoxifying. 


Each juice is pressed with raw organic fruits and veggies daily to give you the nutritions your body needs. Recommend drinking 5 juices, one a day to feel the full effects of the healing properties. 

Jacqueline Badilla


 I created the pressed juice recipes, because I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).  I struggled with having this disease in my early 20s and became hospitalized to the point where I needed a bone marrow with a 50/50 chance of living. I refused to give up that my life was going to end this way. I spent 10 years studying my disease and foods that went along to helping decrease my symptoms.


Over the years, I went from taking 8-10 medications a day. I am no longer on any medications and took a holistic approach. I am still diagnosed with RA, but I am at the lowest spectrum and the healthiest I ever been! I want to share my knowledge and studies with other people who may be in need of my juices or simply want to become healthier. 

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